Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): Does the lead certificate need to be signed by the tenant?


We are regularly receiving questions regarding the new Lead Law and have created a weekly “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ’s) forum for you as you desire to become more informed of the Lead Law and its complexity.

This week we are featuring a common question:

Question: Does the lead certificate need to be signed by the tenant?


Answer:  No. The new lead law does not require the tenant to sign the certificate (previously it was required).  This is one of the few advantages of the new lead law.   Yet, each certificate is required to be filed with the Public Health Department and a written approval from the Public Health Department will confirm that you are in compliance with the new lead law.

Some landlords are taking the additional step of having their tenants acknowledge receipt of the lead certification (by either adding the language to the lease or signing an additional addendum). If you would like a copy of this addendum/language it can be downloaded below:


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